2017 Is a Great Year for Dairy

University of Illinois Does Study On Consumer Label Preferences

Is Bigger Better?


It's that time of the year again! The Animal Science Monitor team had so much fun running this contest last year and got so many great pics that we decided to make it an annual event. If taking pictures of livestock and/or poultry is your hobby, then this is something you'll enjoy.
If you want to know how to join, read the Rules and Mechanics then start sending us your pictures!
Please note that three winners will be selected from all submissions. Those winners of the photo contest will be designated as follows:

First prize: $250
Second prize: $150
Third prize: $50
Editor's Choice: $50

2017 Is a Great Year for Dairy
I recently found an interesting article from Farm Journal's Milk. It is a good time to be a dairy producer. According to the USDA's April World Agriculture Supply and Demand estimates, we have reached the third straight year of record grain supplies.

The increase can be attributed to rising South American production. Presently, there is assurance that there will be an ongoing abundance of feed supplies.

After a dismal 2016, dairy producers have more for which to be thankful. Aside from the abundance of feed supplies, prices rose in the Class III markets and are expected to rise steadily until June, based on the latest market reports. Class IV milk is expected to rise steadily, as well, based on Farm Journal's market forecasts.

You can view the USDA's April World Agriculture Supply and Demand estimates here. You can read the full article from Farm Journal's Milk here. If you're looking for the latest dairy news, visit our company website. You may also want to follow #ContinentalSearch on Facebook and LinkedIn for current dairy job openings.


Rick Pascual recruits in dairy nutrition for feed companies and their suppliers across the USA. Rick joined Continental Search in January 2015 and has successfully filled a number of searches for nutritionists, sales, and sales management for leading companies.
After completing coursework and a grueling exam, Rick became a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) in November 2015, as well as a Professional Recruiting Consultant (PRC) by AIRS in April 2016. Visit his LinkedIn profile for more information and to stay updated with news about recent dairy trends.

Send Rick your resume at Call him at (302) 544-9288.

University of Illinois Does Study On Consumer Label Preferences
The animal science industry has gone through so many innovations over the past few decades. Now people have become more aware of what they consume. This is why I found this article by The Poultry Site so informative.

Whether you are a poultry, dairy, or beef producer, the success of your business rests on the preferences of the consumer. According to a recent study by the University of Illinois, certain production attributes can influence your sales.

On Farm Practices That Will Help Increase Sales
There are seven specific on-farm practices that will make a consumer want to purchase your products. Firsy, consumers do not want products that were administered with growth hormones. They prefer non-GMO products and would prefer if animals are humanely-raised.

Consumers prefer animals that have not been given antibiotics. They prefer them to be raised in a free-range or cage-free environment. They want to consume animals that were grass-fed or raised on a vegetarian diet. Last, they prefer products that are organic.

Researchers Weigh In on Consumer Preferences

Brenna Ellison, a University of Illinois food economist and the lead researcher, says that they were surprised that growth hormones ranked first. She says that she finds it odd, since growth hormones have already been prohibited in the poultry industry.

Dr. Ellison believes that consumers are "spending unnecessary time looking for labels that reflect this particular attribute." She, along with her co-authors, Kathleen Brooks and Taro Mieno of the University of Nebraska, were surprised that the organic claim ranked last.

Labeling plays a large influence on sales. While that makes sense, consumers also need to know that certain labels can be redundant. To find out why, read the full article here. You can also view the study here.

If you are searching for a perch with a better view, stop by our website for fresh poultry job openings. You may also want to follow #ContinentalSearch on LinkedIn and Facebook to read about the latest developments in the poultry industry.


Trish Valenzuela specializes in recruiting for poultry feed additive companies. She has filled positions in technical support, sales, and sales management across the USA.

Trish joined Continental Search in July 2015 and
through hard study, she passed two certification programs. She is now a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and a Professional Recruiting Consultant (PRC).
Visit her LinkedIn profile to connect with her and stay updated with current poultry trends. Trish can be reached at (302) 248-8242, through LinkedIn, or at          

Is Bigger Better? 
In this hot employment market, many people are interviewing and considering making a career move.  One question to consider when contemplating a career move is, "Would I fit in better with a big company or a smaller one?"
I have heard many candidates turn down decent job offers when they hear that the client is a small company. I am not exactly sure why they associate small companies with poor job security. Below, I have cited the pros and cons of working for big and small companies.

The Pros of Working for Large Companies
I understand that there are many pros to working with a large establishment. Here are some reasons why it would be best to work for a big company.
  • More structure
A big company would have more structure than a smaller one, in most cases. You will walk in knowing what your job is, as they have a system or template established.
  • Obvious pathways for promotions
Due to their tried and tested structure, there is a set pathway for promotion.
  • Great benefits
Most big companies have a great benefits package.
  • Switch jobs without switching companies
There are also numerous job positions, if you want to switch jobs without leaving the company.

The Cons of Working for Large Companies

There are a few reasons why some individuals would not like to work for a large establishment.
  • Slow career growth
Career growth can be slower when you are competing for a higher spot. A larger company would have more employees doing what you are doing.
  • Competition is steep
Let's say that you sell feeds for a certain company, and their presence is strong in your area. You would be competing with a larger number of representatives.
  • Stricter rules/guidelines
If you worked for a large company, you would be working based on certain guidelines. Some rules are non-negotiable, making it hard for people who want more flexibility at work.
The Pros of Working for Small Companies
Many candidates turn down their noses at offers from small companies. I believe they are being too hasty. Here are a few reasons why small might be best.
  • Less competition
A small company means you have less internal competition.
  • Potential for faster growth
A small company provides their employees with faster growth potential, too. Keep in mind that most small-scale establishments recruit from within. This allows faster career growth for their loyal employees.
  • Less Structure
If you prefer more independence and don't want to be micro-managed, a small company would be ideal for you, as they usually have fewer rules.
  • Multi-tasking
Due to its size, many employees will take on a variety of roles. This will grow your skill set and will come in handy when it is time to step up to a higher position
The Cons of Working for Small Companies
Here are the cons of working for a small company.
  • Extreme visibility
Just as your victories are visible, so are your failures.
  • Less "hand holding"
People who lack initiative will not thrive in this sort of environment.
  • Smaller benefits package
Benefits might be less than what you would get working for a large establishment. However, as mentioned earlier, this changes over time.

The Verdict
The verdict is that bigger isn't always better in this industry. It would be unwise to turn down an offer just because the company lacks visibility in your area. This misconception could cost talented candidates a chance to showcase their skills and grow.

Choosing a job should be done based on a number of considerations. Choose based on who you are as a person and based on your preferences. "Do you want to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond or a smaller fish because you are in a bigger pond?" That is what the owner of Continental Search tells candidates who come to him for advice.

You could ask someone who is knowledgeable and has more experience in the industry to help you make an informed decision based on your strengths and weaknesses. If you read this and are going through this predicament, it might be time for you to reach out and send me your resume.


Maria Codilla is a Talent Scout for Continental Search. She handles direct-to-farm dairy placements. She is also Content Manager for the Animal Science Monitor. With her background in medical science and nutrition, she will make a great addition to the team. To find out more about the job openings for which she recruits, you can reach her at or at 302-257-2008.


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