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The # 1 Database of Books in Spanish 

No 88 January 2014 
E-books are on the rise, but print books rebound and endure
The growing use of tablets means people are reading more e-books than ever. But hardly anyone is giving up print books completely, says Los Angeles Times, according to a message hidden inside a new Pew report on the reading habits of American adults.

World Book Night helps to improve literacy
April 23 is World Book Night, a night when participants hand out books to teens, young adults and other adults who don’t read or read very little. The event encourages literacy by the giver hand-picking a title from the bestseller list the receiver might enjoy. 

“Truthout” publishes this opinion piece on the benefits of bilingual educations, and the author states that denying it is an disrespect and discriminatory practice toward the language and cultural rights of other ethnic and linguistic groups.  

Donkey Platero celebrates its first century
“It was in 1914 when the publisher La Lectura published 63 of the 138 chapters of the full edition of this universal and groundbreaking work in which Juan Ramón recounts his adventures with donkey Platero in the Huelva town of Moguer.”


ARS TV: El Cómic en



Marta López Luaces

Diego en la botella

Leonardo DiCaprio
Actor, film producer   
In the new Leonardo DiCaprio’s movie the world is depicted as a game, an immense and obscure game where a guy can make 12 million in three minutes and tossed dwarfs as a moral example. The Wolf of Wall Street is a real story based in the life of Jordan Belford, a broker from New Jersey that in the 80s tried every way to take advantage of Wall Street. Directed by Martin Scorsese the film is another collaboration of this duo that is making history in Hollywood. With DiCaprio we had the chance to speak in Los Angeles where he confessed his admiration for Spanish culture and how much he enjoys his summer in the island of Ibiza.     
Casablanca la bella
Fernando Vallejo
The rain falls on Casablanca in violent greatness. As if guided by the hand of my lord Satan, water slides down its rooftop breaking tiles, forming lagoons—bubbling in its cursed ire. A single palm tree stands tall at the center of a bright green forecourt while bright white walls frame doors and windows of an earthy brown.    

Alicia en el país de las rosquillas
Eva Campos 
TV coach Eva Campos argues how obesity and overweight affect our society and are a barrier that prevents people from being who they want to be. She gives the reader the tools and strategies needed to know how to start the slimming process, a process that involves being satisfied with yourself and reveals which person is actually hidden behind those extra pounds.


El cuerpo expuesto
Rosa Beltrán
Do you know your roots? Where your parents came from? Why you practice a certain religion? In Las genealogíasMario Glantz follows the trail of his past in a monumental family autobiography that untangles his Central European origins and family’s forced pilgrimage.“My parents were born in a Jewish Ukraine, very different from today’s and even more different to the Mexico I was born in, a Mexico City where I was fortunate to grasp life amidst the peddlers of La Merced, the same peddlers my mother, entirely dressed in white, stared at in wonder.”


La cofradía secreta
Ramón Obón  
Born with the plague that ravaged Europe, they are the product of fear, pain and death. They sealed a blood oath and remained in the shadows, like a brotherhood, to confront their enemies. They hid in the catacombs and in the mysterious corridors of the old continent. They’ve been arranged in the Confraternity, hidden in the darkness of history they carry out their task, quietly and effectively. Only their rivals the vampires, the inhabitants of the shadows, are aware of its existence.

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