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The # 1 Database of Books in Spanish  

No 52 December 2010  
Ana María Matute awarded Premio Cervantes for 2010
The Spanish author Ana María Matute has won the Premio Cervantes for 2010, the top literary award for the Spanish-speaking world, the Cervantes Prize. The announcement was made by the Minister for Culture, Ángeles González-Sinde, who described Matute as a marvellous example for all women.

Spanish writer Rafael Reig won the sixth edition of the Tusquets Editores Novel Prize for his work Todo Esta Perdonado.

Two opposed circumstances prevailed this Thursday in the Juan Rulfo Auditorium in the 24th Guadalajara International Book Fair. The first one was puzzling: there were more than one thousand people in uniform that waited to listen to Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo II and his brother Benito Taibo; the second was a relief: those thousand people were youngsters no older than seventeen.

To learn more about this successful dual language program in Long Branch public preschool, click here and visit The Hechinger Report webpage.


Mario Vargas Llosa
Gabriela Mistral                   

Patricia Arancibia


Ana Tortosa               

Catalina Sandino Moreno
Catalina Sandino Moreno is the most famous actress in her country. She is the first Colombian actress to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress, which she received for her portrayal of a character much like herself:   one of those strong women that she very much enjoyed bringing to the big screen in the movie, Maria Full of Grace ( María llena de gracia ).
(Nine Dragons)
Michael Connelly
Fortuna Liquors is a small store located in southern Los Angeles. Bosch has been a customer of the store for years. After the murder of John Li, the store’s owner, Bosch promises Li’s family that he will find the killer. Bosch then enlists a detective from the Asian Unit to help him as an interpreter not only of the language but also of cultural norms.

Mara Price 
Abuela's visits from Mexico are always full of excitement for young Sabrina. She can't wait to see what's in her grandmother's yellow suitcase covered in stickers from all the places she has visited. Opening it is like opening a treasure chest, and this year is no different. Inside are a host of riches: colorful ribbons, a clay whistle shaped like a bird, a drum, and the strong smell of chocolate.

Saber leer
Instituto Cervantes    
A high educational level and the enormous quantity of written communications that readers obtain on a daily basis in a globalized society do not guarantee that those readers can interpret the texts in a correct manner. Are you sure you fully understand what you read? Can you remember the reading and retell it in your own words? Could you identify and summarize the main ideas of a text?

César Vidal    
No other president has had more impact on the international level as Abraham Lincoln. The figure of Lincoln, with extraordinary nuances, towers above both American and world history. It is worth noting that the aspect of Lincoln’s personality which has drawn the least notice, both in fictional and non-fictional works, is the spiritual. Lincoln was a man of deep and abiding faith who prayed habitually, who read and knew the Bible in-depth, and who sought the path of God in his own life.
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